Be a Foster Parent or Adopt
Give a child a safe home
New Horizons foster care and adoption program is actively seeking families who can provide a safe and loving home to children, ages 5 to 18 years old. We service a large part of West Texas that includes Abilene, San Angelo, Brownwood, Coleman, Sweetwater, Snyder and those areas in between. Your family will be able to provide a place for a child or multiple children who have been through a traumatic and many times, abusive situation in their original home. We are ready to help you on your journey!
As you seek to make this commitment to kids and families ( and ultimately to become part of the New Horizons family ), we believe it’s important that you understand who we are and our philosophy towards children and families.
New Horizons’ motto is “Keeping Kids First!” This is not just a saying or tag line. It’s a philosophy we are deeply committed to living out in every facet of our programs and services.
We want to ensure that we are always, to the best of our ability, doing what’s best for kids in our care!
Sometimes doing what’s best for kids is challenging. We must plan creatively and commit to trying new things which may force us out of our comfort zone. We must work as a team with other professionals both internally and externally to completely understand perspectives and identify the real problem(s). And perhaps most notably, it forces us to examine our own motivations and asks us to set aside our personal desires to consider what’s best for the child.
If you are ready to accept this challenge and walk alongside us in the journey, we welcome you into the midst of one of the most challenging paths you will ever take. But it is one that inevitably comes with much joy as you realize the impact you can have on your community and the precious lives of kids who so desperately need you!
Welcome to New Horizons
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How Does This All Work?
Once you have decided that you want to proceed with the decision to apply to be a foster parent, you must fill out your application. Once your application has been submitted, New Horizons will initiate the necessary background checks and review your information. We will reach out to you within 1 to 2 business days to discuss the next steps in the process.
Remember, you can always contact us at (325) 437-1852 any time during this process if you have any questions.
This is where it gets personal! During this step, you will complete several documents to help us learn about your home, your background and your family life.
Some of these documents are completed by you and some are done together with your New Horizons Case Manager. All of the information gathered will be part of your final verification document, the Home Study.
Your assigned case manager will assist you in enrolling in the appropriate training courses to meet the requirements set by the State of Texas. The specific training and hours required is dependent on the type of care you wish to provide. Please note that even if you are a relative/kinship family, the requirements remain the same for verification.
Licensed foster parents will complete approximately 35-40 hours of preservice training through a combination of in-person trainings, online training and self-instructional trainings.
All Caregivers must obtain or possess a current Adult/Infant/CPR Certification. New Horizons offers CPR Classes or you are free to purchase this class on your own.
We will interview each household member individually, the caregivers together (when applicable), and the entire family group all together. This process usually takes a few hours, depending on the number of people living in your home.
We will be exploring topics related to your background, your childhood, your perception of yourself, information about your support systems, and how you manage life’s challenges.
In this phase, continue to work on completing any outstanding paperwork and be ready to talk about yourself and your family!
• Foster Parent Service Agreement
• Foster Parent Rights and Responsibilities
• Direct Deposit Form (please have a copy of a voided check available)
Following this signing, our Quality Assurance staff will conduct one final review of your family’s file before submitting your information to the DFPS database for approval. Once we submit this information, it typically takes 24-48 hours for your family to show as “Active” in the DFPS system.
Congratulations, you are now able to accept children into your home!
Have more questions? Call us at (325) 437-1852 or fill out the form below.
Fill out this form
New Horizons helps children and families in Texas through counseling, foster care, adoption, and residential treatment.
New Horizons Ranch and Center, Inc. DBA New Horizons is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization, tax identification 75-1530340.

New Horizons helps children in Texas through counseling, foster care, adoption, and residential treatment.
New Horizons
147 Sayles Blvd.
Abilene, Texas 79605
(325) 437-1852
New Horizons Ranch and Center, Inc. DBA New Horizons is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization, tax identification 75-1530340.
New Horizons Ranch and Center, Inc. is nationally accredited by the Council on Accreditation, demonstrating our commitment to high-performance standards and best practices for child welfare and behavioral health.